How we help

We support organisations all the way from privacy program design and uplift to hands-on implementation and incident response. 

Whether you are looking to establish a best-in-class privacy program, require advice in relation to compliance and regulatory advice, or you’re preparing for (or responding to) a cyber incident or data breach, our multi-disciplinary team has you covered.

Who we support

Universities, education & edtech

Safeguard your reputation, prevent disruption and secure the personal information of students and educators.

Federal & state governments

Become a leader and build capacity within your departments with world-class information security and privacy practices.

Local governments & smart cities

Innovate on privacy to build resilient businesses and citizens, and protect critical infrastructure projects.

Financial services

Strengthen investor trust, improve due diligence and enhance client confidence with robust privacy and cybersecurity practices.   

Healthcare & community services

Keep patients, citizens and essential workers safe, while continuing to leverage data to enhance social outcomes.

Don’t see your industry? Our expertise and experience extends to a wide variety of organisations and sizes. We would love to connect and explore how we can work together.

Privacy Program Management and Uplift

A Privacy Maturity Assessment is the lens through which we view an organisation’s ability to comply with privacy law and other global benchmarks. Compliance itself, through a Privacy Program, begins from the ground up. We help you build strong foundations and organisational capacity, putting you in a position to innovate – rather than remediate – when it comes to information practice.

We work together with teams to develop:

  • Privacy management frameworks for Australian companies and global groups.
  • Privacy maturity assessments, privacy risk assessments, and/or key controls assessments for compliance with applicable privacy laws.
  • Reviewing privacy and spam compliance for direct marketing practices.


Information Security & Privacy Advisory

A preventive and proactive approach to identify, assess and mitigate risk, and keep your organisation, customers and the community protected.

With information security incidents, issues and privacy complaints, it’s a case of “when” and not “if”. However, organisations that make better decisions about data at the outset are less at risk of having incidents and far better placed to respond to any issues that do arise.

We advise organisations on:

  • Privacy law compliance and regulatory advice,
  • Privacy and cyber security legal and regulatory issues, including new technologies and business processes.
  • Cross-border and Data Transfer.
  • Dispute resolution, particularly related to unauthorised use and retention of personal and confidential information, assisting with law enforcement, subpoenas, and third-party requests for personal information.

Data Breach & Incident Response

Our incident response team brings together privacy and security experts and specialist lawyers to deliver coordinated and market-leading support to our clients.

We have a genuine passion for helping our clients prepare for, respond to, recover and learn from a data breach and other cyber incidents. Our team provides experienced and current incident response services, remediation advice and support to implement improvements in practice.

Our experienced team supports with:

  • Data breach and cyber incidents: preparation, planning and risk mitigation strategies, incident response, notification and communications strategy.
  • Co-ordinated incident response to address regulatory and industry-sector requirements.


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Helios is operated by Helios Information Security Pty Ltd (ACN: 655 748 593) (Helios).

Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation.


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Australia Square, Level 42 / 264 George St Sydney, NSW 2000


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